Free Verse really does give you lots of freedom!


My messy notes

…ideas for writing free verse today…

So far I've given you ideas for writing poems in particular patterns or 'forms' (cinquains and limericks) but you can write poems in 'free verse' by simply writing your thoughts down. Take a new line as your thoughts move on and you will soon have a poem.

What have you noticed today? I went outside an hour or so ago and I was amazed to hear a tune I recognised being played on the church bells.

Here's what I have written so far:


18th March 2020

From the church up the road

I can hear the bell ringers playing a tune –

it's one I know, I can hear it

because there's so little traffic –

it's "Make me a channel

of your peace".

This is what writers call a 'first draft' and I will probably come back to it in a day or two and try and improve it. I might add to it or change words or take them away or start all over again. I used today's date as the title and I might change that.

You may wonder how it’s a poem when it doesn't rhyme and doesn't seem to have any other kind of pattern. Amazingly just the way you put words together can make a poetic pattern. It's a sound pattern that comes from your unique 'voice', your way of thinking, speaking and writing. 

Have a go - and have fun!


Lucinda Jacob