Looking and Thinking - Making Notes and Rhyming

Are you finding things to do? 

 Today I'm planting some seeds...

Seed Packets small.jpeg

...and I'm using my notebooks. The little notebooks fit into the back pocket of my jeans so I always have one close by. I use them for quick notes, and the big one is where I write my poems. 

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Here's a way to write a two line 'rhyming couplet'. Start by writing something –use your notebook for ideas. I've been planting seeds so for my first line I'll say:

Today I've been planting seeds

For the second line I need to collect words that rhyme with seeds – I'll go through the alphabet in my head and find some: beads, deeds, feeds, heeds, kneads, leads, needs, reeds, weeds – I think weeds will work:

Here's my two line 'rhyming couplet':

 Today I've been planting seeds

I hope they don't come up as weeds!

I'm going to change the first line a bit: 

 Today I've planted lots of seeds

I hope they don't come up as weeds!


I think that sounds a bit better.

What have you been doing? 

You could write a rhyming poem about what you’ve been doing. Helping to cook? Playing? Trying to keep out of the way while the grown-ups in your home have been busy?

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Keeping an 'ideas' notebook can be really great –use it for your thoughts just like a diary. Then if you are looking for writing ideas you can look back through the pages to find something that inspires you. 

Lucinda Jacob