Think of Your Favourite Animals...


Are you sometimes like a tiger? Or a rabbit? Or a horse?  

Saying one creature or thing is like (or another you can create great images in your writing. You could say, 'I am like a wild tiger' or 'I am as wild as a tiger'. This kind of comparison is called 'simile'. Don’t worry about the word but if you want to remember it think of it as a way of showing  'similarities'. You could write a poem this way. Then have a look at my poem 'I Am'. In it I use a slightly different way of comparing things...

I Am From Hopscotch copy.jpg

Can you see that when you leave out the word  like it makes the image stronger?

Saying something is something else like this is called 'metaphor'. You could try cutting out the 'likes' in your poem to see what happens. Which way of comparing things works better in your poem? 

Have fun!

Lucinda Jacob